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Green eBooks 45 Energy Saving Tips
| General Information Version 2.0 by Green-the-world.net Improved listings Explanational phrases Links to online webpages for more information
Description Trying to let people know about several ways they can save energy, green-the-world.netgives this e-Book to the public. Here you can find 45 small tips that can save you BIG money!It will give you some great easy ideas to save energy. They are small tips that you can introduce in your everyday lives and green the world!You will be surprised with those small things you could be doing daily that would save you huge amounts of money!It is a real treasure for every person that respects our environment.
Extracts " 8. Install storm windows In cold climates they may save up to 50% of energy loss of your current windowsduring the winter.
9. Shade the windows properly A tent outside the window will prevent more solar energy to enter the house that acurtain.
15. Tidy up your fridge Firstly, you will need less time with the door open until you find what you need.Secondly, the frost will be distributed better.
16. Keep your fridge clean You can save up to 30% of loss of energy by cleaning the dust from the back of yourrefrigerator. Also, clean it from the ice which reduces its performance. "
25 Going Green Tips
| General Information Version 2.0 by Green-the-world.net Improved listings Explanational phrases Links to online webpages for more information
Description Going green is easier than you may imagine. It is only matter of small everyday changes. Of course you can take decisions and implement things that are expensive and timeconsuming. However, most of the tips here are simple and easy.This eBook introduces a more general way of green thinking! It will make you think greener during every aspect of your everyday life.
Extracts " 5. Properly dispose dangerous chemicals Batteries, CFLs and other materials shall be disposed in a specific way
6. Choose the products you buy carefully Buying a product means that you accept the producer company's methods andbehavior. So, Ban products of companies that do not respect the environment.
19. Avoid Aerosols They contain CFC gases which are extremely dangerous for the ozone layer.
20. Cultivate ecological awareness of your children They will be the adults of the future "
20 Water Saving Tips
| General Information Version 2.0 by Green-the-world.net Improved listings Explanational phrases Links to online webpages for more information
Description Even if there is no drought where you live, water processing, storage, transportationand facilities maintenance are expensive and energy consuming. Thus, if you save wateryou save energy too.
This eBook will provide you the means to do that. You can find some tips that you could never have imagined of. It is a real treasure!
Extracts " 14. Irritate your plants at night You will need less water as it won't evaporate.
15. Don't over-do it with irritation Once a week in the summer will be good. Once every two weeks during the winter.
19. Replace your old metallic tank with a new one Old tanks warm up the water when hit by sunlight and cause evaporation. Modern,white plastic tanks are way more efficient. "
Reduce Reuse Recycle | 
| General Information Version 2.0 by Green-the-world.net Improved listings Explanational phrases Links to online webpages for more information
Description Reduce Reuse Recycle are generally known as the 3Rs. The waste hierarchy places the 3Rs in order of importance aiming to minimize waste production. What do the 3Rs mean for residents? Reduce: Produce less waste. Find out the ways to make less garbage. Reuse: Packages, cartons or any other product that you would otherwise throw away maybe used in a different way. Recycle: Finally, most of the rubbish can be given for recycling. Sort your trash properlyand recycle them
Extracts " Reduce: 3. Stop accepting unneeded fliers Commercials that do not interest you are only trash. Make sure you stop receivingthem.
4. Don't print your e-mails If there is no serious reason to have a hard copy of your mail, do not!
Reuse: 3. Buy rechargeable batteries They may be more expensive to buy but they prove to be 30 times cheaper thoughtheir lifespan.
Recycle: 5. Glass Vs Plastic All kinds of glass are recyclable. However some forms of plastic are not. "
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